If you have been waiting for Iomega to launch its new ScreenPlay DX HD media player, your wait in now over. Its now been launched and is available to buy in stores for $229m for a 1TB Iomega ScreenPlay DX HD Media Player or you can double up to 2GB of storage for an extra $70.
Its a DivX-certified media player providing access to videos, movies, photos, and songs on the Internet using the built-in web browser with Flash 10.1 plug-in. The Iomega ScreenPlay DX HD is equipped with support for 1080p video playback as well as Dolby / DTS decoding and features services such as Pandora and Netflix to keep you busy.
Read the rest of Iomega Unveils ScreenPlay DX HD Media Player Launches (23 words)
© Julian Horsey for Geeky Gadgets, 2011. | Permalink | No comment | Add to del.icio.us
Post tags: Displays, Gadgets
pros catagory . CON: it's kinda still in beta ' like youtube " and it does have a app for hulu ' just in beta i believe ' seems like it will be perfected later with
ReplyDeletea firmware update:
Summary: Just Got this product and IT IS AMAZING ! Plays any vid file I throw at it ! Great purchase . I like being able to just download fiels and transfer them right from my pc to device via network . also it is recognized immediately with ps3 . Great product . well worth the money !
great buy . If your in the market go get this ! well worth every penny !